Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Tentang Kegiatan Sehari-hari

Belajar speaking bisa dengan membiasakan diri melakukan percakapan sehari-hari bahasa Inggris. Simak contoh lengkap beserta artinya di sini!
Contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris Sehari-hari

Bagi pemula yang sedang belajar speaking terutama untuk memperlancar percakapan bahasa Inggris, mulailah dengan mempelajari materi greetings. Selanjutnya praktekkan bersama orang lain, teman, atau orang asing untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dengan mudah sekaligus mencari kenalan baru.

Jika bingung percakapan seperti apa yang akan kamu praktekkan, di bawah ini ada beberapa contoh percakapan sehari-hari bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu pelajari dan praktekkan!

Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang kegiatan sehari-hari yang dapat kamu gunakan:

  1. Contoh percakapan 1

Denis: How was your day?

Aneth: Quite busy. I’m preparing for my presentation tomorrow morning. I haven’t finished it at all.

Denis: You must feel stressed out now.

Aneth: Yaa, but i will do my best

  1. Contoh percakapan 2

Ane: Where are you going now?

Kate: I’m going to the hospital

Ane: Aren’t you supposed to te at school?

Kate: I will take care of my mother in the hospital, so I’m not going to school

  1.  Contoh percakapan 3

Melly: what are you doing now?

Sisca: I’m playing game online with my friend

Melly: i didn’t know you play game online. Can I join for playing game online with you?

Sisca: Sure

  1. Contoh percakapan 4

Betty: Hi mom. What are you doing here?

Mom: I’m preparing for dinner with my friend in our house.

Betty: What are you cooking, mom?

Mom: I’m cooking grilled chicken.

  1. Contoh percakapan 5

Cyntia: What do you need now?

Jerry: I need a jacket to keep me warm

Cyntia: Ok, I will take it for you

Jerry: Thank you

  1. Contoh percakapan 6

Mom: What are you doing now?

Son: I’m doing homework for tomorrow, but i can’t do it

Mom: Ok, mom will teach your home work

  1. Contoh percakapan 7

Bela: Who is the long black hair next to Adam?

Luke: She is her new wife after divorce last year

Bela: Wow, she is very beautiful

  1. Contoh percakapan 8

Alexa: What time is it? We are going to be late for work today!

Myra: It’s quarter after nine. We are on time, Don’t panic

Alexa: We will meet client at 9 am. Hurry up

  1. Contoh percakapan 9

Fany: Hi, Alex, it’s Fany, How are you?

Alex: Hi Fany, I was just thinking about you

Fany: That’s nice. I was wondering if you would like to go to the cinema tonight

Alex: That’ grate. Let’s go together.

  1. Contoh percakapan 10

Sania: Hai, Benny. What are talking about?

Benny: hai, Sania. I’m talking about my new book

Sania: Can I borrow your book?

Benny: Ya, sure

  1. Contoh percakapan 11

Emily: Hello? Hi Emily, how are things at the restaurant?

Joshua: Hi Emily. Can you please buy cheese for pizza? Our cheese is out of stock and we have more customers today

Emily: Oke, I will buy it now. Do you need anything else?

Joshua: No, thanks

  1. Contoh percakapan 12

Celine: Hello there, Fania! Long time no see!

Fania: Hi celine, what coincidenc! I’m near your office

Celine: Let’s hang out together. You must try the good pizza next to the gas station. Bills on me!

Fania: Oke, wait for me. See you later.

  1. Contoh percakapan 13

Katte: Grace. Where are you going?

Grace: I’m going to library

Katte: Can i join with you. I’m looking for a history book

Grace: Let’s go together

  1. Contoh percakapan 14

Alex: Hello. Jenie. Do you want to go tonight with me?

Jenie: I have nothing to do, but i have to go to the office earlier tomorrow

Alex: How about after work we meet at the cafe next to your office

Jenie: Ok, see you tomorrow

  1. Contoh percakapan 15

Hotel receptionist: Good morning, how may i assist you.

Tasya: I need 1 room with shower dan single bed

Hotel receptionist: Wait a moment. I will ckeck the room available for you

Tasya: Oke

Hotel receptionist: I have available room for you. Are you willing to wait to prepare the room first?

Tasya: Oke. Thank you

  1. Contoh percakapan 16

Emma: Hi. Gracia, looks those desserts! How about baking chocolate cookies today?

Gracia: Yeah, that’s great idea! What we do need?

Emma: I have all the cookie ingridients in my house. Let’s go tom y house

  1. Contoh percakapan 17

Bella: Should we take a bus or taxi to the mall?

Xeyla: Let’s take a taxi. We are going to be late for watching movie

Bella: Yes. There’s a taxi. I will stop it.

  1. Contoh percakapan 18

Thomas: I’m really excited form girlfriend’s surprise birthday party.

Vernon: Yeah. How old is she?

Thomas: She will be 30 on May 2.

Vernon: Woow. I didn’t know if she is younger than me.

  1. Contoh percakapan 19

Mery: Hello. Jane, what should we do?

Jane: How about playing video game in computer. I just found a fun game. Let’s play together!

Mery: But I never play that game before

Jane: I will teach you to play the game

  1. Contoh percakapan 20

Steve: What time is that soccer game on?

Thomas: I didn’t know, You can check the schedule on internet. Soccer is not my favorit sport anyway. I much prefer tenis.

Steve: Oh really? I thought your favorite sport game was badminton

Thomas: Yeah, but have no longer play anymore because the badminton court too far from my house

Baca Juga: Parts of Speech dalam Bahasa Inggris: Penjelasan dan Macam beserta Contohnya

Nah, itulah dia contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu coba untuk memperlancar speaking dan memperbanyak vocabulary.

Jika masih malu-malu atau belum percaya diri untuk mempraktekkannya, kamu bisa ikut program yang ada di Jagobahasa. Ada program yang kurikulumnya menyesuaikan target yang ingin dicapai siswa, salah satunya adalah Jago speaking

Tunggu apa lagi? Yuk daftar mumpung ada promo, dan jadilah jago ngomong bahasa Inggris dari sekarang!

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Dapatkan Trial Class GRATIS sekarang juga.

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